Are You Cooking Your Food at Too High of a Heat?

On my first day of culinary school, the chef instructor defined cooking as “the thermodynamics of heat transfer as it relates to food.” The class regarded him with blank stares, which did nothing to encourage him to elaborate or explain…

Transforming Canned Green Beans with Elevating Ingredients

The world of canned foods is a wide and often overlooked one. There’s everything from canned meats to canned seafood to canned vegetables that can uplift side dishes and meals. They’re usually pretty budget-friendly, and can help you save time…

Innovative Ways to Use Frozen Spinach

Raise your hand if you have a bag of frozen spinach in your freezer. Just as we thought, your hand is raised, as are ours. When you aren’t sure how to eat frozen spinach other than adding it to a…

Etiquette for Enjoying a Wedge Salad: A Guide

Once upon a time, wedge salad was all the rage. Eventually, however, its appeal began to taper. Though its plummet in popularity was likely the result of shifting food trends, wedge salad detesters might argue that its impracticality is to…

Tips for Perfecting Your Chocolate Mousse

Is there anything more ethereal than a perfect mousse? This dessert may seem simple at first glance, but achieving a fluffy, creamy, rich, yet airy mousse is actually quite a feat.  According to Britannica, mousse is a “savoury or sweet…

Ways to Enhance Affordable Canned Tomatoes

Canned tomatoes are a pantry staple. They not only have a longer shelf life than their fresh version, but they are also convenient and versatile. Use them to make a quick tomato sauce or one-skillet chicken cacciatore, as there are plenty…

Creative Ways to Utilize a Bulk Purchase of Potatoes

If you’re wondering what in the world to do with the ridiculously large bag of potatoes that you bought last week and still haven’t opened, we are here to help. Potatoes are one of the most versatile ingredients you can…

Upgrade Your Plant-Based Smoothie with These Ingredients

It’s easy to get stuck in a smoothie rut. And when browsing the internet for new recipes, it’s nearly impossible to find ones that don’t include yogurt and whey protein powder. Although popular opinion may differ, we lactose-intolerant and plant-based…

Elevate Your Store-Bought Guacamole with These Tips

Store-bought guacamole is a fantastic buy, and you can usually expect it to contain ingredients like avocado, garlic, onion, salt, cilantro, tomatoes, or jalapeños, though the composition and consistency may vary by brand. Unless you’re a master of picking avocados,…

Creative Ways to Incorporate Coconut Water into Your Diet

Packed with vitamins and minerals including potassium, calcium, and amino acids, coconut water is a healthy, hydrating, and incredibly tasty beverage that can be used for a wide range of purposes. Indeed, although coconut water is perfectly suited for drinking…