Category Baking Tips

Simple Vanilla Fudge Recipe with Only Two Ingredients

If you’re a fan of easy desserts, then you probably know that you can make peanut butter flavored fudge with just two ingredients, but did you know that you can also make vanilla fudge with just two ingredients? All you…

The Perfect Pairing: Cumin and Chocolate Flavor Combination

Maybe you’ve spotted a chili-infused chocolate bar in the impulse-buy section of your local grocery store. Capsaicin-spiked chocolate is nothing new (but still delicious). Now, step aside, chili powder. There’s a new spicy sheriff in town, and its name is…

Simple Scallop Cake Decorating Technique

Decorating a cake worthy of an Instagram update doesn’t need to be a stressful undertaking. No professional skill is required, and you don’t need to rush to the store in search of special equipment or cake-decorating paraphernalia. If you have…

Making Fudge: A Stirring Tip

Nostalgic memories of eating soft creamy fudge squares during the holidays while hanging out with family are enough to make you crave this sweet candy on a random day. But if you’re going to whip up a batch of this…

Sourdough Bread Recipe Using All-Purpose Flour

Freshly baked sourdough is a slice of heaven on a platter but getting the bread to turn out right can be difficult. Bread in general is difficult to master and sourdough is one of the more complex members of the…

Top Egg Substitutes for Vegan Cake

It takes a little finesse to get vegan cooking right and even more to nail vegan baking. One of the most common animal products in the latter, and one of the first that you’ll want to understand how to substitute,…

Warning Signs of a Bad Sourdough Starter

A sourdough starter is an absolute necessity for baking sourdough bread. In addition to providing the signature tangy flavor, it’s the starter — not yeast — that makes the bread rise. You can make your own, get some from a…

Summer Strawberry Mousse with Just Two Ingredients

When it’s a casual 90 degrees Fahrenheit out during the summer, the last thing we want to do is sit in a sweaty house with the oven on. But at the same time, just because it’s hot outside doesn’t mean…

How to Perfect Your Sourdough Bread Proofing Process

We all love a fresh-baked loaf of sourdough bread, but making bread can be as maddening as it is satisfying — and no part of that process can be more frustrating than proofing. In bread baking, proofing is another name…